Mentoring has become increasingly popular with associations recently.  The basic premise is to “match up” the experienced with the novice to exchange ideas, guide and even challenge each to grow beyond their current limits. Some groups are moving past informal to formalized programs and even going hi-tech in the process of matching.


Formalized programs for mentoring can be found in many associations. Groups like the ABA use mentoring to nurture those with disabilities and new to the legal profession with an experienced attorney.


Other groups, like the ALA call their mentoring programs “Emerging Leaders”.  This is another term that has been used in many associations. The ALA has an Emerging Leaders  Program to connect newer library workers with peers and those that can help introduce the ALA structure and grow future leaders.


Working at AAG, I have helped associations formalize this process by using our Biz MatchUp™ software which offers both the mentors and the mentee the ability to review each other's profiles and select who they would like to be matched with.


Mentors can be matched with one or more mentee. Using the Biz MatchUp™ matching software, users can chat with each other before they make their final selections.  The result is high value matches and long term relationships.  Both the members and the association benefit in the end.


To learn more about the technology side of mentoring see this page or contact us.